Thursday, June 30, 2011



HTML tags (otherwise known as "HTML elements"), and their respective attributes are used to create HTML documents so that you can view them in browsers and other user agents. Note that not all browsers/user agents support all HTML tags and their attributes, so you should try to test your pages in as many browsers as you can.
Complete list of HTML tags

Below is a complete list of HTML tags from the HTML 4.01 specification. The HTML tags are listed alphabetically to help you quickly find the tag you're looking for (or to find out whether it exists or not!).


* <*!--...-->
* <*!doctype>
* <*a>
* <*abbr>
* <*acronym>
* <*address>
* <*applet>
* <*area>
* <*b>
* <*base>
* <*basefont>
* <*bdo>
* <*big>
* <*blockquote>
* <*body>
* <*br>
* <*button>
* <*caption>
* <*center>
* <*cite>
* <*code>
* <*col>
* <*colgroup>
* <**dd>
* <*del>
* <*dfn>
* <*dir>
* <*div>
* <*dl>
* <*dt>
* <*em>
* <*fieldset>
* <*font>
* <*form>

* <*frame>
* <*frameset>
* <*h1>
* <*h2>
* <*h3>
* <*h4>
* <*h5>
* <*h6>
* <*head>
* <*hr>
* <*html>
* <*i>
* <*iframe>
* <*img>
* <*input>
* <*ins>
* <*isindex>
* <*kbd>
* <*label>
* <*legend>
* <*li>
* <*link>
* <*map>
* <*menu>
* <*meta>
* <*noframes>
* <*noscript>
* <*object>
* <*ol>
* <*optgroup>
* <*option>

* <*p>
* <*param>
* <*pre>
* <*q>
* <*s>
* <*samp>
* <*script>
* <*select>
* <*small>
* <*span>
* <*strike>
* <*strong>
* <*style>
* <*sub>
* <*sup>
* <*table>
* <*tbody>
* <*td>
* <*textarea>
* <*tfoot>
* <*th>
* <*thead>
* <*title>
* <*tr>
* <*tt>
* <*u>
* <*ul>
* <*var>

The End